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Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Added TCI CAT support for rig control for Expert SDR devices
  • [NEW] Added TCI SPOT integration for Expert SDR devices
  • [NEW] Added TCI support on CW keyer management for Expert SDR devices (the keyer engine can be selected in the Program Settings – Hardware – CW Keyer interface)
  • “-f update” added as an option in LOTW settings. This command is supported only on latest TQSL versions
  • Added an option in LOTW settings to set “-t” field on TQSL string. This will generate a TQSL_LOG.txt logfile in Log4OM settings folder /Temp. Settings folder is reachable from HELP menu.
  • Added an option in LOTW settings to start TQSL in interactive mode (Log4OM will start TQSL in a separated thread and then proceeds confirming the upload of the selected QSO. It’s user responsibility to ensure that QSO are correctly loaded into LOTW)
  • Improved CAT management screen in program settings
  • Optimized management of CAT settings (Hamlib users should re-set their settings)
  • Added CQ/ITU zone check on QSO received through UDP connections (JTxx and similar)
  • [FIX] Fixed ADIF import when QSO_DATE_OFF field is not available but there is a TIME_OFF

Release note – Version 2.15.0

  • [NEW] Added option to print “RETURN TO” label for DIRECT/MANAGER DIRECT labels
  • [NEW] Added option to print “MY ADDRESS” label for SASE-type QSL sent via DIRECT/MANAGER DIRECT
  • [NEW] Added winkeyer, all currently open cluster screen, worked before, net control and chat screens to the auto open list on restart
  • [NEW] Allowed multiple independent cluster screens everyone with his own configuration
  • [NEW] Added “-f update” and “-c myCall” to the LOTW Upload command sequence
  • Added e-mail address to data entry area
  • Improved on screen placement memorization of windows
  • All band map screens are now reopened at startup (removed limit to a single band map)
  • Program scheduler optimizations (prevented concurrent calls on startup to the scheduler sort routine). That should prevent issues on solar data load / voacap calculations
  • Changed the format of the macro files. Now separator between macro and his title is made by “###” instead of a vertical pipe |. That allow users to save macro containing special keys (|) used to add delay in winkeyer syntax. If you have custom macro files please open them with notepad and update the separator field
  • [FIX] Small glitch that shows “undefined” on current confirmation when downloading confirmations without having had a search before (in QSL Manager)
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue that prevented STATE visualization when QSO was retrieved from cluster
  • [FIX] Fixed persistence of band map settings
  • [FIX] Cluster actions from cluster inside main user interface or winkeyer interface affects only their own context
  • [FIX] Winkeyer stay-on-top button fixed
  • [FIX] Country statistics not shown when QSO is selected from cluster
  • [FIX] Winkeyer load macro issue fixed
  • [FIX] Winkeyer loss of focus during callsign typing fixed
  • [FIX] Chat is open when clicking on worked before icons fixed

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Contest interface has been removed. All functions are now managed by main interface
  • [NEW] Winkeyer user interface has been rewritten for a more coherent layout
  • [NEW] When connected to CWSkimmer telnet server (Enable “CWSkimmer commands” in the CWSkimmer ‘Settings’ window) Log4OM is able to detect and lookup callsign/frequency on click
  • Added contest mode switch on main UI
  • Main UI logics rebuilt to reduce code complexity and improve reactivity and reusability of routines
  • F12 key now clears QSO data entry
  • Added contest fields in main UI (visible when contest mode is active)
  • PSE/TNX QSL moved to country row on label print, to avoid overlap with long QSL Messages
  • Added CTRL-S to save QSO in LazyLog / CTRL-R to clear interface
  • Typing a callsign in the winkeyer TX area and pressing Return key will set the callsign in the lookup area without transmitting anything.
  • [FIX] Fixed winkeyer macro issue that send truncated text
  • [FIX] Fixed datagrid export in XLSX that stopped working on some systems due to an updated library
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue with Clublog exceptions that consider the value valid if expired less than 90 days ago
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue and improved routines on award recognization for QSOFIELDS award types that prevented correct automatic identification of some references.
  • [FIX] Fixed random issues on application shutdown related to LOTW upload

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Added export to excel button on grids
  • [NEW] Introduced caching for external sources and callsign statistics
  • [NEW] Added automatic cluster disconnection when counterpart become unresponsive
  • Updated Bonair Island flag
  • Hamlib rigs are now alphabetically sorted by manufacturer-model
  • Added frequency on email alerts
  • Spots can now be sent to localhost if log4om local relay server is offline or uses a different port than the targeted one
  • [FIX] Removed <BR> from email alerts and switched to plain text
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue that prevented alert email on some circumstances
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue that in some cases used the wrong state from external sources when the callsign is decorated with a prefix
  • [FIX] Fixed label print label reporting user was not exchanging QSL with correct behaviour
  • [FIX] ADIF import counter is now showing the correct amount of QSO imported
  • [FIX] Winkeyer QSO references is now properly filled with data
  • [FIX] Fixed winkeyer macro issue that prevented some strings to be sent correctly (first character sent issue)
  • [FIX] Fixed Hamlib MODE swap issue and other minor things
  • [FIX] Included a new Hamlib version with many fixes on specific rig drivers that should fix the “VFO SWAP” issue. More info and specific reports can be addressed to Hamlib software team.

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version
⦁ [NEW] Added support to Hamlib 4.2
⦁ [NEW] Added dual VFO hamlib capability by supporting new “VFO mode” parameter (Enable VFO Mode in hamlib configuration screen)
⦁ [NEW] Cluster alert email notifications.
Mail server can be configured from Program Configuration under “Program Settings / E-mail settings” menu.
Alert destination list can be configured from Program Configuration under “Software Configuration / Cluster / Alerts” menu
⦁ [NEW] Added PFX (prefix) field on main UI and QSO EDIT. In Contest and Winkeyer the field is automatically saved without data presentation on user interface.
⦁ [NEW] Added new massive update feature in QSO Management / QSO Checks section for PFX data
⦁ Log4OM will not update IOTA and SOTA archives anymore if the user set IOTA and SOTA awards in the deactivated awards list. This option is recommended to speed up Log4OM interface when those awards are not used at all. User manual update request will force the update in any case.
⦁ Changed format of hamlib riglist file. You can regenerate hamlib_riglist.txt from a newer hamlib release using “rigctl -l >hamlib_riglist.txt” and moving the produced file to the config folder
⦁ Added PFX field in QSO Edit screen
⦁ Added capability to identify award related callsigns on main UI when data is coming from user input rather than cluster
⦁ Small optimization in cluster simulation function
⦁ Improved precision of gridsquare representation in map
⦁ Added capability to show up to 2 association data in the QSO grids. Associations can be customized from settings/user preferences. Associations can now be searched from grid search functions
⦁ External resource manual update is now performed through the scheduler and not in real time. Expect it running in the next 30″
⦁ Added a parameter on SUPPORT REQUEST form to remove all passwords related to amateur services from log. This may prevent users from receiving valid support if the issue is related to a communication process and we can’t reproduce. Please note that LOG may contain some residual passwords.
Please note we NEVER export (in support requests) or log anything containing your email user/password, if configured.
⦁ [FIX] QSO distance field not always calculated on ADIF import
⦁ [FIX] Fixed missing cleanup of the statistical matrix on cleanup
⦁ [FIX] IOTA, IOTA_ISLAND_ID and SOTA csv export issue fixed
⦁ [FIX] IOTA_ISLAND_ID export issue in ADIF output fixed
⦁ [FIX] State field not correctly populated from cluster in main UI
⦁ [FIX] Fixed issue that prevented association data to be saved correctly under some circumstances
⦁ [FIX] Fixed issue that prevented correct identification when uploading QSO to HRDLOG using a callsign different from the one registered in HRDLOG (eg. /P)

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version
⦁ [NEW] Added support for KML export from QSO grids.
⦁ [NEW] Added support for scheduled webpage/CSV generation with custom fields and optional FTP upload.
⦁ [NEW] Added more info on label routing page.
⦁ [NEW] User can now skip label print if counterpart requires SASE and/or contribution for the QSL.
⦁ [NEW] Added a new option (valid for ALL PROFILES) in Program Settings (top menu) to disable automatic backup on program shutdown. This option is NOT recommended if you don’t have an alternative backup method or specific needs.
⦁ [NEW] New section PERFORMANCE in Program Settings (top menu) with some options the user can disable to maximize program performances on heavy loaded systems.
⦁ [NEW] New benchmark tool in the PERFORMANCE menu to check how the system performs on some areas.
⦁ [NEW] Users can now put awards into the “ignore list” (USER PREFERENCES / AWARDS). Those awards will not be identified in cluster and will not be shown on main UI award options for the selected callsign. Unused awards will not be parsed, resulting in a small speed optimization. If award parsing in cluster is disabled on PERFORMANCE section the cluster will not perform searches on ANY award.
⦁ Label print automatic routing identification improved.
⦁ Contest UI improvements.
⦁ Program cluster reactivity enhanced.
⦁ Added current version number on program header.
⦁ Relocated solar data information to the top right area of the main UI.
⦁ Re enabled multiple band map concurrent views.
⦁ [FIX] Changed distance rounding method to prevent distance calculation issues

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version
[NEW] Added QSO date range in LOTW confirmations download
[NEW] Added friends list management in CHAT screen
[NEW] Contact matrix show in BLUE previous mode/band contacts with the current callsign
[NEW] If an award reference retrieved from cluster contains a known gridsquare this is used to show and save QSO info.
[NEW] SOTA references locators are now calculated with 6 digits
[NEW] Implemented non standard callsign file support
[NEW] Statistics on main UI now show the confirmation status for the current callsign, callsign on current band and callsign on current mode.
[NEW] Improved label printing. Added capability to print “my references” or “comment” on each single QSO in the label (if any). QSL Message and NOTE became a single field printed on label bottom area. All texs are optional.
⦁ Main UI threading code optimizations
⦁ Statistics area performance rework
⦁ Disable speed potentiomenter setting made persistant in Winkeyer options
⦁ VOACAP engine performance optimizations
⦁ Chat engine optimizations and protocol changes
⦁ Chat engine try to reconnection in case of external disconnection
⦁ Log-style screen performances enhanced
⦁ Improved logging of running threads
⦁ No more debug messages in CHAT screen when working in TRACE MODE log
⦁ UDP and CAT logging made optional in the main application log to reduce amount of data written to the log. 2 new options in the HELP menu -> LOG LEVEL sub menu
⦁ Fixed compatibility issue of telnet cluster relay server with Win4ICOM suite
⦁ Left area stats show/hide setting made persistant
[FIX] Fixed issue with automatic FCC updates when an EN.dat file was already available
[FIX] Fixed issue on LOTW QSL paper confirmation download that may have not correctly downloaded data in the past. If you recently submitted paper QSL to checkers please perform a full download of LOTW data from the stone age of your license
[FIX] Code optimizations (speed improvements) applied when dealing with duplicated spots coming from multiple connected clusters
[FIX] Multiple reference support handling on same spot fixed
[FIX] “incoming message” indicator now correctly open the CHAT screen
[FIX] LOTW station call (opt) not correctly set in the download screen. Fixed
[FIX] Mode and Band data lists not correctly updated from web under some circumstances

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] New “resource editor” function (Settings menu) allow advanced users to personalize program configuration files. Usage of this feature requires a good knowledge of Log4OM.
  • [NEW] FCC database support for STATE visualization in cluster data.
  • [NEW] Log4OM joined the Off-Air Message Service, a new Ham Radio shared chat environment that joins Log4OM and GridTracker users. You can find it in the UTILITIES menu
  • [NEW] downloaded eQSL’s can now be viewed in QSO edit screen
  • [NEW] Starting from this release we may release PUBLIC BETA versions to try and test new features before official release. You can subscribe to this opportunity by clicking on the “Check for PUBLIC BETA updates” in SETTINGS -> PROGRAM SETTINGS. Public beta will be released through Log4OM website.
  • You can now hide Statistics from F6 main UI tab via right menu button
  • Removed DARC_DOK award from the list. Valid one is DLD
  • Updated Clublog xmlns version to 1.3
  • Updated predicted solar data function to read new JSON provided by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
  • QSL Manager screen “return key” will perform a search operation on current callsign value
  • 2 more sounds added to the Alert/Chat notification options
  • NET CONTROL: Added option to disable data lookup.
  • NET CONTROL: Data manually inserted into callsign definition are no more overwritten by external lookup.
  • NET CONTROL: Automatic country identification on new callsign definitions works without external lookup.
  • LAZY LOG: New input keys for single QSO: name, comment, county and state
  • Added support for user defined bandplan (added support for “_user” suffix)
  • [FIX] Application deadlock during idle time should be fixed
  • [FIX] CQ/ITU zone import from ADIF fixed when counterpart data are not available on search engines.
  • [FIX] Award Confirmation import routine fix on date recognization
  • [FIX] 000329: Saved filters don’t work on re-load
  • [FIX] 000325: Fixed POTA export from Award Stats