
Log4OM Released

[NEW] Contact map has been added on every QSO grid in the bottom options. The map will show 4 and 6-digits locator of the contact (if available). Double click on large or small grid will provide a list of QSO. Filters are applied if set. [NEW] Added FT4/FT8 cluster filters in cluster VIEW tab and […]

Log4OM Released

Release note – Version [NEW] label “SAT MODE” now show the satellite name if selected [NEW] Added Band map in main UI (with HIDE button on bottom right) [NEW] SPOT SEND screen will now allow you to recover data from previously saved QSO (current session only) [NEW] Added more automated massive QSO update capabilities […]

Log4OM 2 Released

Release note – Version ⦁ [NEW] Serial winkeyer devices are now supported (added DTR pin HIGH on WK initialization)⦁ [NEW] Added ADIF import checks for missing BAND/MODE. Log4OM tries to recover band from frequency if available. If found and MODE is missing, the mode will be retrieved from the bandplan as best match.⦁ [NEW] […]

Log4OM 2 Released

⦁ [NEW] Added capability to show up to 2 customizable awards for each QSO in grid (default to IOTA and SOTA awards). You can change them in USER PREFERENCES to match your preferred awards.⦁ [NEW] Added map support to Winkeyer screen.⦁ [NEW] Added SIG and SIG INFO fields of the counterpart in the main screen […]

Log4OM 2 Released

Release note – Version [NEW] Added Clublog/CTY file exception correction on all cluster items [NEW] LazyLog massive data entry interface added [NEW] ADIF export can now produce files with a reduced, user selectable, range of fields (File -> Export ADIF) [NEW] Added CSV export with user selectable/sortable fields (File -> Export CSV) [NEW] Option […]

Log4OM 2 Released

Release note – Version CAT frequency display is now user configurable for best visual comfort in Settings -> CAT Added viewable Clublog Sent, QRZCom Sent, HamQTH Sent fields to the list of available fields in grid. Faster LOTW download. “paper qsl confirmation download” made optional. You should use it only when you have new […]

Log4OM 2 – Release

Release note Enhanced Omnirig error handling HAMLIB logics reworked to make it working as it should HAMLIB PTT parameters correctly saved fix Cluster interlock enhancements Cluster data visualization improvements Info provider page now shows the details of connection errors Added selected/total counter in qso grids Cluster start button now can be used to stop cluster […]

Log4OM 2 – Release

Release note – Version [NEW] Added capability to run multiple instances [NEW] Added “Select required” button for quick QSL upload. Required status is based on user preferences expressed in SETTINGS -> USER CONFIGURATION -> CONFIRMATIONS menu option [NEW] Incremental worked before search in worked before grids. [WORKED BEFORE] notification will appears only on exact […]

Log4OM 2 – Bugfix release

⦁ [FIX] MySQL / MARIADB search exception fixed ⦁ [FIX] SQLite date format fix on some systems that prevent correct data load/visualization fixed (corrupted database -> require a new full import) ⦁ [FIX] Extensive fix of TAB sequence order ⦁ [FIX] Error handling when forms are not created yet ⦁ [FIX] Issues in external sources […]

Log4OM V2

Welcome to Log4OM V2. Log4OM support is direct from the development team and the user community, this guarantees to all users the best experience and a fast resolution of any problems. If you are an experienced user and can help, please do so! If you need help please ask for support, however please be polite […]