Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Optimized name retrieval parsing routine for HAMQTH data (now NICK prevails on ADR_NAME field, that could be missing)
  • [NEW] Cluster filter option added allow users to filter out nearby spots
  • [NEW] METAR settings interface has been updated to fit new provider capabilities
  • Enabled callsign removal from alert management
  • Cluster throttle is enabled only after 130” from cluster parser initialization to avoid throttling cluster in normal startup conditions (not on skimmers)
  • Cluster throttle now inhibits VOACAP data retrieval from calculated data in order to speed up cluster under stress.
  • [FIX] New METAR API’s format from the used provider forced us to completely rewrite METAR engine.
  • [FIX] Cluster notifications by e-mail now will use the same “re-notify timings” used by user interface