Log4OM Released
Release note – Version
⦁ [NEW] Added support for KML export from QSO grids.
⦁ [NEW] Added support for scheduled webpage/CSV generation with custom fields and optional FTP upload.
⦁ [NEW] Added more info on label routing page.
⦁ [NEW] User can now skip label print if counterpart requires SASE and/or contribution for the QSL.
⦁ [NEW] Added a new option (valid for ALL PROFILES) in Program Settings (top menu) to disable automatic backup on program shutdown. This option is NOT recommended if you don’t have an alternative backup method or specific needs.
⦁ [NEW] New section PERFORMANCE in Program Settings (top menu) with some options the user can disable to maximize program performances on heavy loaded systems.
⦁ [NEW] New benchmark tool in the PERFORMANCE menu to check how the system performs on some areas.
⦁ [NEW] Users can now put awards into the “ignore list” (USER PREFERENCES / AWARDS). Those awards will not be identified in cluster and will not be shown on main UI award options for the selected callsign. Unused awards will not be parsed, resulting in a small speed optimization. If award parsing in cluster is disabled on PERFORMANCE section the cluster will not perform searches on ANY award.
⦁ Label print automatic routing identification improved.
⦁ Contest UI improvements.
⦁ Program cluster reactivity enhanced.
⦁ Added current version number on program header.
⦁ Relocated solar data information to the top right area of the main UI.
⦁ Re enabled multiple band map concurrent views.
⦁ [FIX] Changed distance rounding method to prevent distance calculation issues